We provide station tours, fire prevention classes, fire extinguisher training and other services to individual families or groups of any size. KIds of all ages can benefit by learning when and how to call 911, learning to Stop, Drop and Roll and they all love seeing the trucks!
Contact station 8 to make an appointment.
We cannot help you if we cannot find you. When seconds count, you can make it much easier to locate your home at night or in severe weather by marking your driveway with a reflective address sign. Stop by Station 8 to order yours. They are only $20.00 and include a post.
If you live in our district, we will even install it free of charge!
We will be glad to visit your home and check the smoke detector(s) in your home for correct operation and placement and make recommendations for a safer home.
If you need new smoke detectors and are unable to obtain or install them, we are happy to help you free of charge.